Saturday, November 24, 2012

Daurah . . .done the 1st week.

assalamualaikum wbt

alhamdulillah, bersyukur masih diberi nikmat sihat :)

and very grateful that the 1st week program of daurah was very good indeed..

i and 7 of my friends conduct for student menengah..
about 230 of them..wowwww,,,

and i got 29 orang adekk in my group..hehe
ramai isnt ? tp besttttt :)

antara aktiviti yg dijalankan..

lastly,, tadaaaaa ..'

this is my new group..nama sumayyah diberi..
hehe adik2 comel 
jangan malas2 belajar mengenal Allah..

semoga Allah permudahkan urusan di hari yang mendatang..
amiin ya Rabb..