Saturday, November 24, 2012

Daurah . . .done the 1st week.

assalamualaikum wbt

alhamdulillah, bersyukur masih diberi nikmat sihat :)

and very grateful that the 1st week program of daurah was very good indeed..

i and 7 of my friends conduct for student menengah..
about 230 of them..wowwww,,,

and i got 29 orang adekk in my group..hehe
ramai isnt ? tp besttttt :)

antara aktiviti yg dijalankan..

lastly,, tadaaaaa ..'

this is my new group..nama sumayyah diberi..
hehe adik2 comel 
jangan malas2 belajar mengenal Allah..

semoga Allah permudahkan urusan di hari yang mendatang..
amiin ya Rabb..

Sunday, November 18, 2012

perjuangan bermula


esok, bersamaan 19 Nov 2012, saya pikul kembali tanggungjawab yang sekian lama dilepaskan begitu sahaja.

alhamdulillah, i ask Allah to give me an opportunity, and He give me the way..
Alhamdulillah, i am very grateful ya Allah.

all that i need now just May Allah help us..

May Allah bless us..

May Allah give us the easy way to conduct the program..

May Allah let us to do the program without any difficulties..

allthat i hope, insyaAllah..Allah will help

Allahumma Amiin :)

esok, DAURAH SIRI 3 bg tahun 2012 bermula..

esok jugak, sahabat saya..
Hawa Nakhiah, Faris Amran, dan Zulfiqri akan menduduiki STPM..
mudahkan mereka ya Allah..

semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan..


and,give me strength ya Allah..


Thursday, November 15, 2012

getting better

assalamualaikum wbt

sehat ke ?

err felt happy actually. ( tettttt )

one, because ive already recovered from fever plus stomach ache.

last night im really sick. more than 10 times muntah.

im very difficult to get sick..ble datang sakit tu..memang pehhh..

Allah jela tmpat mengadu..cannot slept last night..

then early in the morning my sister sent me to the clinic..
okay doctor bg ubat itu dan ini..

makan2..then alhamdulillah.

sehat sudah. hehe :)

da sehat pe lagi, perangai gumbira tak terhingga datang tak mengira masa..HAHA

thanks to Allah.

daripada Allah sakit itu datang, dan daripada-Nya ku minta kesembuhan.

Amiin ya Allah.

Monday, November 12, 2012

kerna aku seorang penakut


kaifa khaliki ya ukhti/akhi ?

ana bikhair, alhamdulillah

just look at the tittle, i felt embarassed.


i wanna go out, open the door..then..
aaaarrhhh !

guess what ?lipas je pon.

Aduh, but i cant bear with it. although m trying hardly.
but still, makhluk Allah yang tu memang power bab2 takut kan aku.

like seriesly.

ok the penakut feeling comes at night.
abang at Mesir called me.

he said : eh, shaa..da start cuti kan ? pegi la belajar masak.
*pehh ayat die makan dalam. macam aku ni tak reti masak. tp memang pon.

I : erk ? haa oke orang try.

Him : ape try2..blaja la ngn mak ke, bik ke..

I : insyaAllah

well, sume pandang senget kat aku bab2 masak ni..
orang duk asrma susah sket nak balek n susah nak masak. hehe
can it be as my reason ? bole terima pakai tak ?

oke, my brother which is abguki really expert bout cooking.
buat cake especially. and i already learnt from him about how to make a Tiramisu..

hehe, n alhamdulillah mum said..

sedapp..pandai esha buat..

pehh. kembang kuncup. akikikii..


tp tu lah, kalau nak buat pape time malam cm susah sket.
last night my dad ask me to cook something. he went outside with my mum to meet someone.

then i cook nasi goreng, before that..
i seek my old brother at his room..ask him to teman me at dapur.

haha funny. tp alhamdulillah.
die teman until ive finished my cooking..

Allah, cne nak ubah ni ?
kat tempat belajar tu boleh jugak ljd pemberani siket.

insyaAllag lepas ni try utk kuat kan hati dan iman..

proses penghijrahan bermula..

kahkahkah, rse takde motif post gini..
but im just having fun myself.

till here, salam

Sunday, November 11, 2012

let everyone knows

Assalamualaikum ! *sekuat hati !

heee, long time no see bro !

ive just finished my third years of foundation,
next year will be taking degree insyaAllah.

Allah, m afraid of result to come out. hope everythings will be fine.

dont want to repeat any kind of papers because it will take time to study the past subjects while every0ne starts to learn the new subject..

no mannn !! tak moh tak moh..

insyaAllah. everythings gonna be fine.

orait, i knew that now ramai yang tengah cuti isnt ?

suruhan saya :

tolong lah, tolonggggg lah ..find and learn something new.
dont just let ur time being passed without anything inside.

such a waste.

now, JOMMMMMM !!!

cari ilmu.

till here, bye !

oh..frgt to say this..


hehe, gunakan sebaik mungkin ;)

salam wbt