warkah buat sahabat tercinta <3
SURPRISE !!!! tekejut tak ?tekejut tak ?* padahal tak surprise langsung..:P
[ in the name of Allah..Most Gracious and Most Merciful ]
hi Hawa, sehat tak ? hehhe
this time, whenever you read my blog..kte dh takde kt cni..
cewahh macam nak pegi OBECHEEE *oversea je bunyi..
padahal nak pg Melaka je ye.
ah tak kire !
Hawa, err errr
~ Happy Birthday ~
* sekali laa ade bunyi2 belon letop, bunyi wisel yg macam rambut bile ditiup dan sebagainya. HAHA
> wish you all the best in what ever you do.
> semoga panjang umur,
> murah rezeki,
> dapat umur yg berkat,
> kesihatan yg baik,
and most important..
> semoga awak dapat ape yg dihajati <3
i'll always pray the best fr you, and sume kwn2 kte.
err, surely kte orang yg ke berapaaa tah yg wish..since 'budak tu' dh wish time kt maahad lg :P hehe
hawa, Sorry fr the present.
tu jee yg mampu kte bagi.
well fr the first time i bought something fr someone i love with my very own money :)
tu duit kerja kita okay, bkn duit mak n pakk kita ^^
dulu teringat yg awk nak cr barang cmtu..
but somehow your granny kate corak kain pelekat.
wakaka thats funny but cute :D
Hawaaaa, thanks fr being my friend.
no, my BEST best friend !
that no one can describe what bestt friend means to me..
im so grateful yg at first masuk skola 18..
awk benci kte..and for return,
skrg you re so special to me.
kte tak kan pnah lupe ape yg awk pnah bagi.
sorry im not good in words.
tp everything yg kte dpt skrg..
some of that is from you.
one of that is,
my result..
Hawa kite tak kan dapat result cm tu without awk.
math kte tak kan A- kalau awk tak latih kite.
BAT kte tak kan lulus kalau awk tak ajar kte..
and also, about Vantage..and more..
see, everything is because of you..
and ofcorse bcz of Allah..
sorry suddenly rse cm sedeh :(
eleh, hawa..awk nak nangis la tuu..
eeeyyyy malu sikit ye, nanti orang nampak :P
alolooo dh meraa da mate die :P
emm, Cik Khiah..
i just want yoy to know that..
im really grateful to know you..
the reason that i moved to Smks18..maybe bcz of you also..
Allah nk suruh kte jmpe awk :)
Hawaaa thanks fr everythingg, and sorry i coudnt celebrate your birthday..
make sure awk Happy on ur birthday, and the day onwards.
i love you with all my heart and soul.
ukhuwah fillah, mudah2an kte sume diredhai Allah.
amboi panjang nye aisha tulis..
sorry laa, malu la kalau nak ckp cemni kt depan2..
nanti tak bole focus sbb hawa asyik nak nangis je :P
k la..tu je kot.
lg skali..
love you, :)